
It alleviates the course of acute, chronic and infectious diarrhoea, poisoning, allergic diseases (atopy) and improves the general immunity and health of animals.





How does EnteroZOO® help your pets?

Improves the resistance and health of animals.
Mitigates the course of diarrhoea (including infectious diarrhoea) and poisoning, helps remove diarrhoea or reduce its duration.
Removes symptoms of digestive disorders.
Helps renew the useful microflora in the digestive tract, that supports the activity of the body’s immune system.
Protects the digestive tract mucosa and supports the healing of damaged mucosa and mucosa ulcers.
Reduces and eliminates toxic and allergic reactions.
Binds toxins to itself.
Accelerates healing of wounds.
Reduces the toxic burden on the liver and kidneys.
It is used as a support in antibiotic treatment.


EnteroZOO is an innovative gastrointestinal adsorbent (enterosorbent) of the new generation based on natural silicon. It is made from only two ingredients: 60% polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate and 40% purified water, so it is suitable even for the most sensitive animals. EnteroZOO molecules have a special porous structure that can be described as a “smart sponge”, which, due to its pore size, enables the selective adsorption (binding) of harmful substances to its surface. It binds pathogenic bacteria, viruses, toxins, heavy metals, allergens and toxic substances. EnteroZOO does not affect the absorption of vitamins, minerals, microelements, macroelements and other nutrients. It does not bind water, so it does not cause constipation. Also, EnteroZOO does not absorb into the systemic circulation, but is completely excreted from the body. Therefore, it is a completely safe product and can also be given to puppies and pregnant animals.


What do the vets say?

In our clinic, EnteroZOO is regularly on stock and we prescribe it a lot. Customers are impressed by its efficiency and ease of use. It works great for stopping acute diarrhea (usually the signs of diarrhea disappear within a day), so there is no longer a need to resort to antibiotics in these cases. It is also recommended for gastrointestinal problems, vomiting, various seasonal atopic diseases (which cause itching and reddening of the skin) and as support for poisoning. The product does not cause constipation, is safe to use and we are very satisfied with it. It’s great because it’s also completely safe for puppies and pregnant bitches. This year, we used it a few times with suckling puppies (we applied it to their stomachs through the probe, as the puppies were already so weak that they no longer wanted to eat) and managed to stop the diarrhea and consequent dehydration extremely quickly. EnteroZOO should be part of every home “dog pharmacy”.

Neca Jerkovič, Dr.Vet.Med., Halovet Veterinary Center

EnteroZOO is a great thing, especially for those dogs that put everything in their mouths. In our clinic, we give such clients a tube to take home as a precaution, so that they don’t panic. Even in cases of intoxication, we prefer Enterozoo to activated charcoal, as it acts selectively and has no side effects, and is therefore safer to use. In addition, our patients also like to eat it, as it has no taste, but it can also be mixed into water or food.

Lara Kralj, Dr.Vet.Med., Veterinary Center Lara

“We are very satisfied with EnteroZOO, especially for acute diarrhea and poisoning, and we regularly prescribe it in our clinic. Satisfied customers are the best recommendation. I am also a rescue dog handler and veterinarian of the Rescue Dog Unit of Slovenia. During training on the ruins, it occasionally happens that the dogs eat spoiled food or even toxic substances, so we always have EnteroZOO at hand and it has helped our puppies exceptionally many times, maybe even saved their lives. It also works great for diarrhea caused by stress, as it quickly calms digestion and stops diarrhea. This way, especially in the most difficult conditions, our four-legged friends are better prepared for the demanding work they do.”

Maja Kenda, Dr.Vet.Med., Veterinary Clinic Tolmin, rescue dog handler

Eliminates digestive disorders

EnteroZOO® will quickly and effectively eliminate or alleviate the course of various digestive disorders, from acute, chronic and infectious diarrhea to vomiting, poisoning and indigestion. It is also indicated for use in the case of stomach or intestinal ulcers. It creates a protective layer over the mucous membrane, thus protecting it from irritants and toxic substances and promoting its renewal.

Accelerates wound healing

EnteroZOO® can also be applied externally to the animal's skin. In case of skin damage, abrasions and deeper wounds, simply apply a thicker layer of EnteroZOO® to the affected area. It soothes red and itchy skin, reduces unpleasant skin odor and soothes excessively oily skin.

It is used as a support in antibiotic treatment

The use of antibiotics often destroys the normal intestinal microflora or even causes damage to the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended that the animal receives EnteroZOO® while taking antibiotics, because EnteroZOO® protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines (it forms a protective film on the mucosa) and also prevents damage of the intestinal microflora.

It detoxifies the body

EnteroZOO® acts selectively and has high adsorption capacities. It binds harmful substances, pathogenic bacteria, their metabolites, and toxins to its surface. It does not affect the absorption of microelements, calcium, vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body. Purify your pet's organism and ensure it's healthier, more vital and safe from harmful external influences. EnteroZOO® will eliminate harmful and unnecessary substances from your pet's body, strengthen the immune system and significantly improve the general well-being of your pet.


Selectively binds harmful substances.
It does not damage the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
Simple dosing in food, water or directly with a syringe in the mouth.
It takes effect quickly after ingestion.
It protects the mucous membrane and enables faster restoration of the microflora.
Odorless and tasteless, animals like to eat it.
It binds pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolites and removes them from the intestine.



The basic and original packaging of EnteroZOO in a 100g tube.
14,99 €
  • Administered 3 times a day
  • For “first aid”
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The package consists of three individual 100g tubes of the EnteroZOO product (300g of gel in total).
44,97 €
40,47 €
  • Administered 3 times a day
  • Small pets (10-15kg)
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The package consists of two EnteroZOO boxes of sachets and one EnteroZOO tube.
60,97 €
  • Administered 3 times a day
  • For pets who love to travel
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ENterozoo v vrečkah

Paket vsebuje 15x 10g vrečk, vsaka vrečka ima rok trajanja 3 leta.
22,99 €
  • Zaužitje 3x dnevno
  • Večji hišni ljubljenčki (15 – 50 kg)
V košarico


Paket je sestavljen iz treh paketov EnteroZOO v vrečkah (15 vrečk x 10g) skupaj 450g gela.
68,97 €
53,99 €
  • Zaužitje 3x dnevno
  • Večji hišni ljubljenčki (15 – 50 kg)
V košarico

ENterozoo 2x vrečka + tuba

Paket je sestavljen iz dveh paketov EnteroZOO v vrečkah im enim paketom EnteroZOO tube.
60,97 €
  • Zaužitje 3x dnevno
  • Večji hišni ljubljenčki (15 – 50 kg)
V košarico

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have additional questions?

Because we only want the best for the animals, and for you to use it as easily and safely as possible, we have already answered the most frequent questions from customers. We always like to chat with you, so you can contact us at info@enterozoo.si, call our phone number +38640649336 or write to us on our social networks. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about news, special offers and all important things. You take care of yourself, and we take care of the health of your animals!
  • For which animals is EnteroZoo suitable?

    For all! And no, we are not exaggerating. It is really suitable for all animals, both for the more exotic ones, as well as domestic animals and livestock. From birds to hamsters, mice, dogs, cats, horses and cows – it takes care of everything.

  • Is EnteroZoo safe to use?

    EnteroZoo is completely safe to use, even EnteroZOO® can be used during pregnancy and lactation without risk. EnteroZOO® is not absorbed into the blood and is removed from the body in the faeces 7 to 12 hours after use. EnteroZoo also has no contraindications. Due to its hydrophobic structure, it does not bind water and therefore does not cause constipation. Accidental application or ingestion of a large amount of EnteroZoo product is therefore not dangerous in principle.

  • What are the ingredients of EnteroZoo?

    EnteroZoo consists of only two ingredients! The exact composition is: 60% polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, 40% purified water.

  • Does EnteroZoo contain allergens?

    No, EnteroZoo is made from only two ingredients (60% polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, 40% purified water).

  • Do I really need to shake EnteroZoo before each use?

    Yes, EnteroZoo is a suspension. The solid particles are dispersed in the liquid in the form of small particles. Physically, it is an unstable system. Particles of solid matter usually tend to sediment due to gravity. Therefore, it is important to shake the tube or bags before each use to cause the gel to re-crosslink. When shaking, you can hear how the consistency of the gel “thickens”.

  • Which packaging is the most "useful"?

    EnteroZoo and its composition are the same in all packages. The packages differ only in the packed quantity and packaging (bags, tube or jar). When choosing a package, consider the weight of your animal and problems (acute or chronic). For chronic problems, we recommend a jar (450g) or the EnteroZoo triple tube set (3x100g). We also recommend the listed packages for larger animals. For smaller animals and acute problems, we recommend the basic packaging in a tube (100g). For travelling, a package of Enterozoo bags (15x10g).

  • Za katere živali je primeren EnteroZoo?

    Za VSE! In ne, ne pretiravamo. Res je primeren za čisto vse živali, tako za tiste bolj eksotične, kot tudi domače živali in živino. Od ptičev, do hrčkov, miši, psov, mačk, konjev in krav – za vse poskrbi.

  • Je EnteroZoo varen za uporabo?

    EnteroZoo je popolnoma varen za uporabo, tudi pri brejah živalih in mladičih. Se ne absorbira v kri in se izloči z blatom v 7 – 12 urah po aplikaciji/dajanju. EnteroZoo prav tako nima kontraindikacij. Zaradi hidrofobne strukture nase ne veže vode in zato ne povzroča zaprtja. Nenamerna aplikacija ali zaužitje velike količine EnteroZoo izdelka, zato načeloma ni nevarna.

  • Kaj so sestavine EnteroZoo -ja?

    EnteroZoo tvorita samo dve sestavini! Točna sestava je: 60% polimetilsiloksan polihidrata, 40% prečiščene vode.

  • Ali EnteroZoo vsebuje alergene?

    Ne, EnteroZoo je narejen samo iz dveh sestavin (60% polimetilsiloksan polihidrata, 40% prečiščene vode). Jemanje ni priporočeno samo živalim, ki bi lahko imele intoleranco na Silicij in njegove derivate (polimetilsiloksan polihidrat je hidrogel metilsilicijeve kisline).

  • Moram EnteroZoo res pretresti pred vsako uporabo?

    Ja, EnteroZoo je namreč suspenzija. Delci trdne snovi so v tekočini dispergirani v obliki majhnih delcev. Fizikalno gledano gre za neobstojen sistem. Delci trdne snovi po navadi namreč težijo k posedanju (sedimentaciji) zaradi delovanja sile težnosti. Zato je pomembno, da tubo ali vrečke pred vsako uporabo potresemo in tako povzročimo, da se gel ponovno zamreži. Ob stresanju lahko prav slišimo, kako se konsistenca gela »zgoščuje«.

  • Katero pakiranje je najbolj »uporabno«?

    EnteroZoo in njegova sestava sta v vseh pakiranjih ista. Pakiranja se med seboj razlikujejo samo po pakirani količini in embalaži (vrečke, tuba ali lonček). Pri izbiri pakiranja tako upoštevajte težo vaše živali in težave (akutne ali kronične). Pri kroničnih težavah priporočamo lonček (450g) ali pa paket EnteroZoo tub trojček (3x100g). Prav tako našteti pakiranji priporočamo za večje živali. Za manjše živali in akutne težave priporočamo navadno pakiranje v tubi (100g). Za potovanja pa paket Enterozoo vrečk (15x10g).

  • Zakaj moj EnteroZoo ni čisto želatinaste oz. gelaste strukture?

    EnteroZoo je po svoji kemijski strukturi hidrogel, vendar gre poleg tega za suspenzijo in vsebuje kar 40% prečiščene vode. Fizikalno kemijske lastnosti tako ne omogočajo popolnoma želatinaste strukture oz. strukture čvrstega gela. Gre skoraj bolj za tekočo konstistenco in s tem ni nič narobe.

  • Koliko EnteroZoo-ja moram dati svoji živali?

    Odmerjanje Enterozooja je odvisno od teže vaše živali in težav s katerimi se spopada. Za vsa odmerjanja imate natančnejša navodila, pod posamezno kategorijo živali na naši spletni strani.

  • Ima EnteroZoo stranske učinke?

    V zelo redkih primerih se lahko pojavi zaprtost. Drugih stranskih učinkov do zdaj ni bilo zaznanih.

  • Se lahko Enterozoo uporablja tudi ob jemanju drugih zdravil ali prehranskih dodatkov?

    V kolikor žival prejme druga zdravila, naj EnteroZoo aplicirajo 1-2 uri pred ali po dajanju zdravil. Čeprav EnteroZoo zaradi svoje edinstvene strukture deluje selektivno in ne veže zdravilnih učinkovin, obstaja možnost, da bi se del zdravil vezal in bi se tako zmanjšala njegova učinkovitost.
    V kolikor se odločite za dodatek probiotikov, je te najbolje aplicirati 2 uri po dajanju EnteroZoo. EnteroZoo ne posega v naravno mikrofloro, zato v večini primerov dodatek probiotikov ni potreben.

  • Je lahko kaj narobe, če napačno odmerim EnteroZoo?

    Do sedaj ni bil zabeležen noben primer stranskih učinkov v primeru prevelikega odmerka. Živali in mladiči EnteroZoo v večjih dozah dobro prenašajo. Redko se lahko pojavi zaprtje.

  • Za kakšne težave se uporablja Enterozoo?

    EnteroZoo se uporablja za naslednje težave: akutne driske (vzrok so lahko bakterije, virusi, zastrupitev s hrano ali jemanj antibiotikov), kronične driske, prebavne težave, motnje v črevesni, ulkusi oz. poškodbe sluznice prebavil, zastrupitve, kronično popuščanje jeter in ledvic, alergijske bolezni, bolezni kože in rane. EnteroZoo lahko uživajo tudi zdrave živali za krepitev imunskega sistema, saj EnteroZoo pripomore k večji odpornosti telesa in boljšemu zdravju živali.

  • Kako lahko apliciram Enterozoo?

    EnteroZoo lahko pomešate v hrano ali vodo živali. Gel je brez vonja in okusa in ga žival načeloma rade zaužijejo. Lahko ga date tudi na najljubši priboljšek svoje živali ali pa kar na prst. Če je žival izbirčna, jo lahko aplicirate tudi z brizgo direktno v gobček. Od strank smo prejeli tudi nasvet, da EnteroZoo nanesete živali na šapice in si jih tako sami »očistijo« ter zaužijejo izdelek.

  • Moram Enterozoo hraniti v hladilniku?

    Ne. EnteroZoo ne sme zamrzniti. Nizke temperature uničijo strukturo gela in le-ta postane neuporaben. Hranite ga na sobni temperaturi, umaknjenega od direktne sončne svetlobe.

  • Kako dajati Enterozoo ob prebavnih motnjah?

    Pri akutnih driskah naj lastnik svoji živali EnteroZoo aplicira po vsakem odvajanju. Ko se driska umiri, naj se EnteroZoo aplicira trikrat dnevno še dan ali dva.

  • Kako dajati Enterozoo pri alergijah?

    V primeru sezonskih atopij je idealno, da lastnik z aplikacijo EnteroZoo-ja prične še pred pojavom alergena v okolju. Z aplikacijo gela naj nato nadaljuje ves čas trajanja pojavnosti alergena (npr. celo pomlad, poletje), in sicer trikrat dnevno. Priporočamo, da se zdravljenje kombinira še z drugimi postopki, ki blagodejno vplivajo na žival (npr. kopanje s posebnimi šamponi večkrat tedensko, dodatek omega 3 maščobnih kislin, itd.).

  • Kako dolgo je uporaben Enterozoo?

    Enterozoo ima rok uporabe 3 leta. Rok uporabe je vedno odtisnjen tudi na embalaži. Vrečke se morajo po odprtju zavreči, saj so namenjene enkratni uporabi in se po odprtju izsušijo.

  • Se Enterozoo lahko uporablja tudi pri brejah živalih in mladičih?

    EnteroZoo je povsem varen tudi za breje živali in mladičke od skotitve naprej. Pri sesnih mladičih se lahko v primeru driske ali zastrupitve aplicira direktno v želodec preko hranilne sonde.

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